Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Red, Yellow, Pink, and Green...

One of the earliest memories I have is a very vivid memory that takes place in the white house in the bedroom just left of the stairs. The room was very dark with one small night light and the humidifier was on. I was laying in moms arms and she was rocking me while singing the "I can sing a rainbow" song. I remember being totally relaxed, feeling safe and at peace. I believe that is why I love the sound of humidifiers so much is because it brings back these feelings.

1 comment:

Robin said...

You must have just been a baby, maybe Tiffany's age. I can't believe you can remember that far back. It was probably after you had your operation and we had to have the humidifier on for months becasue the doctor stretched the nerves to your vocal cords and you were constantly croupy.