Friday, November 13, 2009

Near Death

I dont know if Mom and Dad knew about this, but one day when we were living in the Apartement, Phil and I walked up the road with some neighbor kids to where there was a field and canal. There was a pipe that crossed the canal in the field and we were all walking across the pipe back and forth, and just playing on it. The canal was full of water and moving while we were doing this. Of course now I look at it and realize what a dumb thing that was, but at the time I didnt really comprehend the danger of what we were doing.

After a while of playing on it a farmer working on the field came over and yelled at us and told us how stupid it was for us to be playing there and that one of us could easily slip and die. We quickly ran home to get away from the scarry farmer.

1 comment:

Robin said...

I had no clue, why wasn't I keeping better track of you?